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Trademark Class

Trademarks are a type of intellectual property that enables you to distinguish your products or services from those of your rivals. A trademark can be any term, design, symbol, phrase, or combination of these things that can be used to differentiate your goods or services.


According to the NICE classification for a trademark, also known as the International Certification of Goods and Services, trademarks are divided into 45 separate classes. Each trademark class represents a separate group of goods and services.

To minimize inconsistencies, a trademark search must be conducted prior to filing a trademark registration application. It is critical to select the correct trademark class since the incorrect categorization of the mark might impede the registration process.

If the business's activity includes a variety of items or services that fit into distinct trademark categories, trademark applications might be submitted in more than one class. Furthermore, even if a registered trademark exists in one class, another firm may file a trademark application in another class for the identical mark.

As a result, submitting a trademark registration under one class does not grant total exclusivity over the use of the mark. A trademark only grants exclusivity for the use of the mark in relation to the class of goods or services for which it is registered. Use the trademark class finding tool to select the appropriate trademark class from over 80,000 goods and services.

Among the 45 classifications listed below, 34 fall under the "goods" section and 11 fall under the "services" section.

Trademark Classification of Goods

A final product is classified based on its function and purpose. If the product isn't included in any of the classifications, it's compared to the other finished items on the list.

The function and purpose of a finished product determine its classification. If the product does not fit into any of the categories, it is compared to the other finished goods on the list.

Raw materials and semi-worked goods are categorised by the material from which they are formed. When a product is constructed of several materials, it is arranged according to the substance that predominates.

​Trademark Classification of Services

The services are grouped according to the branches of activity mentioned in the service class titles and explanations.

Rental services are grouped together in the same category.

Advice, information, or consultation services are categorized in the same category as services relating to the subject matter of the advice, information, or consultation.