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Get a WPC Demonstration License

According to the Wireless Planning and Coordination wing's rules, people who want to use certain radio and wireless equipment for demonstration purposes need to get permission from the WPC. Demonstration License is the name of the permission.

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​In India, what is a demonstration license?

The Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing of the Department of Telecommunications gives out demonstration licenses or demonstration certificates to people who want to own wireless or radio-frequency-based products.

This license is only good for a short time and can't be made to last longer. This license is only for showing how telecom products that use spectrum work.

These kinds of products are shown off in order to sell the newly adopted spectrum-based band products in the telecom industry.

Most of the time, the demonstration license is given out by the regional offices in all of the country's major cities. Dealer Possession License holders are the only ones who can get a demonstration license.

This article tells the reader everything they need to know about registering for a demonstration license. If you have a Dealer Possession License and want to show the products, get in touch with registration.

​India's Demonstration License Requirements

Before applying for the registration of a demonstration license, the applicant must meet the following conditions:

 1. The license is given for all spectrum bands, including new, unallocated, unassigned, unsold, and unused bands, as well as others that may be possible, giving Indian businesses access to international markets.

 2. The Department of Transportation (DoT) gives out two kinds of demonstration licenses: indoor and outdoor.

 3. Only companies in India can apply for license registration (both kinds).

 4. The indoor license lets you show off finished products, such as spectrum-free or low-power-radiating telecom products.

 5. The outdoor license lets you show off finished products, including telecom products that use the spectrum to send out signals.

 6. A separate demonstration license isn't needed if the applicant has any of the following telecom licenses:

   a. License for Trying Out New Technology and Experiments

   b. License for Production and Testing

   c. Any licensed Indian trader with a valid Dealer Possession License

​Documents needed in India for a demonstration license

Here are the documents that must be sent online with the application to register for a certificate:

 1. The company's Certificate of Incorporation

 2. An official copy of the applicant company's Memorandum of Association (MOA).

 3. An official copy of the company's Articles of Association (AOA).

 4. A copy of the company's Dealer Possession License. Technical information about the equipment being used in the demonstration.

 5. Give a short explanation of the activity or activities that will be done at the demonstration site.

 6. Set up a diagram for the product that will be shown twice.

 7. Any other important documents that the authority asks for

​In India, the Procedure for Obtaining a Demonstration License

The Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing (WPC) of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) started the initiative to make it easier to get a license to use spectrum to show off telecom products. This was done to encourage spectrum-based applications and meet demonstration and testing needs.

Here's what you need to do to get a demonstration license in India:

 1. Gather the necessary papers.

 2. Write up the application for registering the license.

 3. Send in the online application and the documents that are needed.

 4. Put the application in the mail.

 5. Download the letter that the DoT sent out with its decision.

 6. The applicant will then get the license he or she needs if he or she brings in the following documents:

   a. paying the license fee and royalties (if any).

   b. A copy of the letter from AIP/decision

   c. A copy of the equipment's invoice or other details about the equipment used in the demo.

Fee for a license

The license registration fee is 5,000 rupees for both indoor and outdoor licenses. There are no extra royalties to pay. One license will cover all the devices that work within a certain spectrum.

License validity

Both types of demonstration licenses are good for three months. This license can't be made valid for longer. So, the license holder can't apply for a new license.

Limits put in place by the DoT

 1. The demonstration license must not interfere with or protect anyone else's rights.

 2. The indoor demonstration license can only be used inside in a mode that doesn't send out any signals or sends out signals with very low power.

 3. The outdoor demonstration license can't be used to offer any commercial services.

 4. The demonstration license must have the right permissions to import wireless products, assemblies, modules, and accessories that work in both licensed and license-exempt bands. These imported goods can't be used or sold for business.

 5. The person with the license must meet the requirements for stocking and reporting, which don't need a separate Dealer Possession license.

​We will help you get a demonstration license in India.

Certpedia can help you get a demonstration license for your chosen spectrum-based product(s).

Certpedia gives you access to a group of telecom experts who can help you get the demonstration license registered.

Since forever, we've been helping our telecom clients with legal matters. We have telecom experts on hand to make sure that getting the required telecom license registered takes as little time and money as possible.

Certpedia helps you get the license you need from start to finish. Our services include:

 1. Document preparation

 2. Filing an application

 3. Checking in with the department

 4. How to handle differences

 5. Giving the needed permit

Get in touch with Certpedia to learn more about how to register for a demonstration license.


What's a demonstration license ?

A demonstration license is a non-network license that the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing of the Department of Telecommunications gives to people who want to use wireless or radio-frequency-based products for demonstrations.

What are the kinds of demo licenses ?

A demonstration license comes in two forms:

1. An indoor license is given to show off finished products, such as Spectrum Telecom products with very low power that don't radiate.

2. An outdoor license is given to show off finished products, including telecom products that use spectrum radiation.

What are the requirements for registering for a demonstration license ?

The person who wants to register for a license must have either a dealer possession license or a non-dealer possession license. If they don't have them, they must apply for them before they can get a license.

When do you not need a demonstration certificate ?

The applicant doesn't need a separate license if they already have one of the following:

1. License for Trying Out New Ideas and Technologies

2. License for Manufacturing and Testing

3. Any Indian trader with a valid Dealer Possession License who is allowed to do business

If you have a demonstration license, what rules do you need to follow ?

Rules that a license holder must follow:

1. The license must be given on the basis of not interfering with or protecting anyone.

2. The indoor demonstration license can only be used indoors in a mode that doesn't send out any signals or sends out signals with very low power.

3. The outdoor demonstration license can't be used to offer any services for money.

4. The demonstration license must have the necessary permissions to import wireless products, assemblies, modules, and accessories that work in both licensed and license-exempt bands. These imported goods cannot be used or sold for profit.

5. The person with the license must follow the requirements for stocking and reporting, for which a separate Dealer Possession license is not needed.

Can a license for a demonstration be renewed ?

A demonstration license for either kind is good for three months. This license can't be extended. So, the license holder can't apply to renew their license.

How long does a demonstration license last ?

Both types of licenses are good for three months. In any case, it can't be made bigger.