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Brand Registration Is a Powerful Tool For Expanding Your Business

The importance of protecting one's brand identification has increased the need for trademark or brand registration in India. Avoid stressful and expensive legal and financial complications by submitting your registration application as soon as possible.

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​Exclusive Trademark Filing in India

Brand Name or Trademark Filing

A trademark is a distinguishing symbol that serves to identify you, your company, your goods, or your services. Simply put, it is a symbol of your professional status. Basically, it's your name in the market. Many different categories exist within which you might classify your Brand. A Trademark can be anything from a name to an aroma to a distinctive shape or design. Whatever path you take, you'll stand out in your own special way. To that end, trademark logo registration online in India is a crucial step in ensuring the security of this distinctive brand identification.

What does it mean to register a trademark?

Specifically, it is a legal protection for your ideas, or an IPR. The legal right to hold a trademark grants you the status of sole owner of the mark for all commercial purposes. In consequence: 

  • Your ownership of the trademark will be recognized.

  • Reduced instances of trademark violation are possible.

  • Assigning your Trademark allows you to sell it.

  • You can provide a license to use your Trademark to another party.

  • In a nutshell, trademark registration grants you the exclusive right to use your mark in commerce. If someone tries to use your trademark without permission, you can sue them in court for damages.

​Categories of Trademarks

All goods and services in the country are divided among the 45 trademark classes.

Popular trademark categories in India include:

 Class 9: In Class 9, you can trademark anything having to do with computers, software, or electronics.

 Class 25: Trademarks for identifying the source of garments and apparel are under 

 Class 35: Class 35 is reserved for the trademarking of company administration and promotional services.

 Class 41: Products and services in the fields of education and entertainment are under 

Check with Experts Before Filing Forms

Perhaps you already guessed, but the trademark registration process is not something the average person can handle on their own. You can try, but only professional trademark registration services will ensure your success. The trademark professionals at We will help you organize your paperwork, file your application, and stay by your side through publication of your Trademark.

Feel free to ask our gurus anything you want to know about online trademark registration in India.

​The Eligibility Criteria for Registering a Trademark in India

Where can I find information about filing an online trademark application in India? Before taking any steps toward securing trademark protection for the Brand logo, one should make sure they have fulfilled all the prerequisites. Because of this, we have provided a list of the prerequisites for registering a trademark electronically in India:

  • The trademark itself must be one-of-a-kind.

  • Trademarks must be unique and not confusingly similar to those already in use.

  • A trademark ought to be original and not similar to any others.

​ Documents Needed to Register a Trademark or Brand in India


Instructions for Filing a Trademark Application Online :

Brand logo registration is open to applications from a variety of businesses. Their trademark registration application verification requirements are therefore varied. For this reason, we have specified, besides the general document requirements, the specific documents that an applicant must submit based on the type of business being proposed.



  • Authentication of Identity

  • Certification of Business Entity



  • License for Shops to Set Up

  • Certificate of Establishment

  • Proof of the business's address

Partnership business


The Partnership Deed


​Process of Trademark Filing in India


Trademark filing in India can now be done online.

Trademark registration with the government has many advantages. How, though, does one go about filing an application for a trademark in cyberspace? To enjoy the advantages of trademark registration, you must first obtain the registration certificate. A certification like this would consist of the following steps:


Lookup of Trademarks

Each applicant is required to undertake a Trademark Search in India prior to submitting their application for registration with the RoT. If you want to check if your proposed logo is already in use in India, you'll need to use a firm that specializes in Trademark Searches. The applicant can move forward with the online trademark application filing if the trademark design is distinctive.

Submission of an Application

To begin, submit an application for trademark registration via the internet. You must have the following materials on hand to submit this application successfully:

  • Authentication of your identification

  • The Certificate of Digital Signature

  • Your mark

  • Your address's proof


Put in a Request

Following its submission, the Registrar of Trademarks will get possession of the application. The examiner then conducts a thorough review of the application and writes up a detailed report of their findings.


Analyzing Applications

In the end, the report from the examination can be favorable or negative. The relevant government agency will provide you with a report update. Either that, or you'll need to check the trademark registration to find out.


Trademark Publication

We approve of this trademark application and it will be published in the Trademark Gazette.

Trademark registration by RoT

When something gets published in a journal, it stays up for four months. The journal is open to the public at these times. Registration of your Trademark will follow if there is no public opposition to doing so. Following this, the RoT will award the applicant a certificate of trademark registration.


​We'll Help You Register Your Trademark Logo in India


Certpedia offers complete services for filing a trademark online in Delhi. The following are some of the trademark registration services offered by our company:


  • Information gathering and getting things started

  • Completing the application's draft

  • Looking over the rough draft and making any required adjustments

  • Starting the Application Process


Certpedia is an established consulting agency in India that specializes in trademark and logo registration. If you're ready to register your Trademark, please get in touch with us right away.


What exactly is a trademark ?
A trademark is a distinguishing symbol that serves to identify you, your company, your goods, or your services from those of others. Simply put, it is a symbol of your professional status. Basically, it's your name in the market.
To market our goods, how can we best describe our brand ?
It's up to you to figure out how to best characterize your Brand. A Trademark can be anything from a name to an aroma to a distinctive shape or design. Whatever path you take, you'll stand out in your own special way.
Is it important to safeguard your company's Trademark ?
Trademark logo registration online in India is a must to safeguard this reputation.
What Does Trademark Registration Involve ?
Registration of a trademark establishes ownership of the mark. A. This is an IPR. The legal right to hold a trademark grants you the status of sole owner of the mark for all commercial purposes.
What are the positive aspects of trademark registration ?

Some advantages of registering a trademark in India are listed below in section A.

  • Have sole rights to use the logo.

  • Less trademark infringement is occurring.

  • Trademark assignment is simplified.

  • Permission to use a trademark by a third party.

What would happen if someone tried to use your Trademark without your permission ?
You can sue the offender for money if they try to use your trademark without your permission.