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Show off Your Food Product's Safety

You can apply for ISO 22000, the best food safety standard. The food business is undoubtedly the most crucial. Therefore, food safety requirements must be followed. This is ISO 22000. Please contact Certpedia to obtain this certification.

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​In India, what does ISO 22000 certification mean?

ISO 22000: Management of Food Safety

The Food Safety Management System is a set of rules that should be used for all types of food chains, from farms to forks. With ISO 22000, you can show off that your food safety system is in place, which will bring in a lot of customers.

Why is it important to have ISO 22000 certification?

If you are in the food business, ISO 22000 certification is especially important for you. This standard gives you the steps, management, and other safety measures you need to make sure the food you serve is of the highest quality.

Certpedia can help you get this certification. There is some plan behind the whole thing. But you can get this certification from us in an honest and quick way.

ISO 22000 Certification Benefits

Here are some of the benefits of the ISO 22000 certification:

 1. If food safety is better, you can give customers better food.

 2. Customers will trust you more if you have the right food safety management system and certification.

 3. Jobs in the food industry that are better

 4. There's a lot of room for the economy to grow.

 5. Since the food is safe, there are also fewer food-related diseases.

 6. You can make more money if your customers trust you more.

ISO 22000 is a family of standards.

ISO has put out a number of standards that are related to ISO 22000. The ISO 22000 family is the name for these rules. At the moment, the ISO 22000 standards family is made up of the following:

ISO 22000

It is needed for an organization in the food chain's Food Safety Management Systems.

ISO 22001

sets rules for the food and drink business.

ISO/TS 22002

makes programs that are necessary for food safety, such as:

 1. How food is made

 2. Service

 3. The farm

 4. Food packaging manufacturing

 5. Moving and storing

 6. Making feed and animal food

ISO/TS 22003

focused on keeping food safe.

Requirements for organizations that audit and certify FSMS

requirements for organizations that certify products, services, and processes, like an audit of the food safety system.

ISO/TS 22004

ISO 22000:2005 Application Guidance for Food Safety Management Systems

ISO 22005

General principles for designing and implementing basic systems for traceability in the feed and food chain

ISO 22006

Quality Management Systems: Advice on the Application for Crop Production

​Criteria for ISO 22000 Certification in India

Before you can apply for ISO 22000 certification, you must follow the food safety rules in ISO 22000.

ISO 22000 says that the company has to have an FSMS (Food Safety Management System). The food business must have a system in place that is written. The FSMS facility must follow these rules to the letter:

 1. Effective pre-employment programs that make sure the workplace is clean and safe

 2. A "hazard analysis" and a "control plan" to find, stop, and get rid of possible food safety risks.

 3. Write down the FSMS processes that will be used to manage food safety across the whole organization. It must also include business planning for communication and 

operations that happen everyday and affect food safety.

Processes of the Food Safety Management System

The food safety management system must meet the specific requirements in the ISO 22000 standard. The standard calls for FSMS procedures like:

 1. The top management of the food business came up with the organization's food safety policy.

 2. Setting goals for your business that will help you follow the food safety policy

 3. Making plans for the FSMS, designing it, and writing up the Safety System

 4. Keeping track of how well the FSMS works

 5. Putting together the FST Food Safety Team with a group of qualified people

 6. Setting up communication procedures within the organization to make sure that different departments can talk to each other well and that important contacts outside the company, like regulatory, customers, suppliers, and others, are kept up-to-date.

 7. Plan for when food is dangerous.

 8. Holding management review meetings to evaluate the performance of the Food Safety Management System

 9. Making sure that the food safety system has enough resources to work well, such as:

  A. Staff with the right training and qualifications

  B. Sufficient Infrastructure

  C. Work That Fits Making sure food is safe and of good quality

 10. Putting in place the necessary food safety programs

 11. Business practices should stick to the HACCP rules.

 12. Set up a system for keeping track of and identifying food products.

 13. Setting up a CAS (Corrective Action System) and controlling products that don't meet standards

 14. Keeping a written procedure for how to handle food product withdrawals

 15. Controlling, keeping an eye on, and measuring equipment in use

 16. Making and putting in place the FSMS Internal Audit Program

 17. The FSMS needs to be updated and improved all the time.

​India's Documents Needed for ISO 22000 Certification

Here are the documents you need to send in with your application for ISO certification:

 1. A photocopy of the PAN card

 2. A photo the size of a passport

 3. A copy of the voter ID card (that would be your address proof).

 4. Two copies of your company's sales or purchase bills.

 5. The process your organization uses to make sure food is safe.

​India's process for getting ISO 22000 certification

In India, here's what you need to do to get ISO 220000 certification:

 1. Getting the papers together

 2. Putting in the request for ISO 22000 certification.

 3. Letting the application and an auditor look over the procedure document

 4. Get the certificate if the auditor says you should.

 Certpedia will help you file and register your business and give you the certification.

​We will help India get ISO 22000 certification.

Certpedia can help you get registered by giving you the following services:

 1. Choose the type of certification.

 2. Document aggregation

 3. Draft approval

 4. ISO certification

Certpedia can help you make sure that your business meets the ISO 22200 0768-1 standard and that food safety is taken care of in your company.


In India, what does ISO certification mean ?
The Food Safety Management System is a set of rules that should be used in any kind of food chain, from farms to forks. With ISO 22000, you can show off that your food safety system is in place, which will bring in a lot of customers.
How can a company in India get ISO certification ?

Here's what you need to do in India to get ISO 220000 certification:

1. Getting the papers together

Putting in the request for ISO 22000 certification

3. Letting the application and an auditor look over the procedure document

4. Get the certificate if the auditor says you should.

Certpedia will help you file and register your business and give you the certification.

What are some Indian companies that have ISO certification ?
You can go to the official website for ISO certification to see a list of companies in India that have ISO 22000 certification.
What does ISO stand for in India ?
Organization for International Standards
How do food businesses in India get the ISO certificate ?
To find out how to get the ISO certificate in India, look at the "Process" section of this page. In that section, we explain the whole process for getting ISO 22000 certification. Get in touch with the ISO experts at Certpedia to learn more.
Where can I go in India to get registered with ISO ?
To register for an ISO certificate, follow the steps in the "Process" section of this page. In that section, we explain the whole process for getting ISO 22000 certification. Talk to the ISO experts at Certpedia to find out more.
Where can I find a list of ISO-certified companies in India that I can download ?
On the official ISO website, you can easily download a family tree of all the ISO-certified companies.
How can a company in India get ISO certification ?
How do I get ISO certification in India? Refer to the process section of this page to learn how to get ISO certification. In that section, we explain the whole process for getting ISO 22000 certification. Talk to the ISO experts at Certpedia to find out more.
Tell me briefly how ISO certification works ?

Here's what you need to do in India to get ISO 22000 certification:

1. Getting the papers together

Putting in the request for ISO 22000 certification

3. Letting the application and an auditor look over the procedure document

4. Get the certification if the auditor says it's okay.

Certpedia will help you file and register your business and give you the certification.